Sketch your ideas whiteboard-style while benefiting from the access and connectivity of an interactive canvas. Drop images, add notes, and pull assets directly from the web while collaborating with team members from anywhere. 

Access Jamboard

Access through Google Apps 


Type: in the address bar.

Click the image to access this article.

There are also free templates!

Max 50 Collaborators

Only 50 people can participate on a Jamboard at one time. If you need more than 50 at one time, then consider setting up groups and creating copies of the same Jamboard.

Start a new Jamboard by clicking on the + sign in the lower right.

Tutorial on using with remote teaching (Video length 12:27)

New feature added since this video was created. Now you can add an image to the background!

Using Jamboard with Google Meet (Video length 3:43)